IN BRIEF: 130 million years old and counting

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  • | 3:55 a.m. October 11, 2015
Love Whole Foods hosts GMO/Bio-Engineered foods discussion
Love Whole Foods hosts GMO/Bio-Engineered foods discussion
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Ancient history

Area residents who have a pond may have a plant that was around with the dinosaurs.

Janett Taylor, longtime gardener at the Ormond Memorial Art Museum, arrived at work recently to find a turtle in one of the ponds covered in a layer of mossy green.

Doing some research, she learned it was a plant called coontail, a descendant of Montsechia vidalii. While listening to National Public Radio, she happened to learn that scientists recently discovered through the fossil record that Montsechia vidalii is the world's oldest flowering freshwater plant — at least 125 to 130 million years old.

The plant is commonly found on ponds, and Taylor has been spreading it around to other ponds at the museum.

“It’s good because it oxygenates the water,” she said.  Also, it does not root in the ground, and can be easily controlled with a rake.

Although called a “flowering plant,” it does not have any recognizable flower parts.

School zone safety stressed

The Florida Sheriffs Task Force recently released the results of a four-week study to raise awareness and improve student safety. Statewide, there were 9,052 warnings to motorists and 5,922 citations issued for school zone violations.

In Volusia County, there were 226 warnings and 63 citation for school zone violations; two warnings and 14 citations for passing a stopped school bus; 22 warnings for pedestrian violations and 26 warnings for bicycle violations.

“There’s no doubt that these operations make our children safer and ultimately save lives,” said Volusia County Sheriff Ben Johnson.

Airport plan flies

The City Commission held a workshop on Oct. 6 to discuss the Airport Master Plan, which will direct major projects at Ormond Beach Municipal Airport over the next 10 years.

The officials will have an official vote on the plan, tentatively set for the first City Commission meeting in November, and there will be an opportunity for public comment.

One of big projects will be to extend the east-west runway to 5,000 feet, which will allow the airplanes to depart with full loads. This should encourage business travel.

Those who use the airport also have asked for a terminal so there is bathroom and other accommodations. The officials decided to work with existing businesses at the facility for temporary facilities and delay the terminal project until the future, when a private party may become involved.

Information about the plan can be found on by clicking on Airport, and then Master Plan Update.



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