- March 6, 2025
Kaleb Shaw, age 8, celebrates Labor Day with his family. Photos by Anastasia Pagello
Past president in 2006 Hilda Brazil with Frank Moreira.
Jenny Devlin, Bruce Stevens, Donald Stevens and Jean Stevens
Mike Vaccaro, a Vietnam Veteran, volunteers to cook for every VFW picnic.
Anita Vardakis gives previous Rosie the Riveter Bea Hornby
Eleanor Weisbach, Elta Blonsick, Anita Vardakis, Bea Hornby, Shirley Cortese and Gloria Scandariato. Celebrating Bea Hornby's 99th birthday.
Bea Hornby celebrates her 99th birthday with her nieces Joan Boucher and June Pomilla.
VFW post 8696 on Old Kings Road celebrated Labor Day with a community picnic on Monday, Sept. 7. This year guests danced to seventies themed music and enjoyed lunch made by VFW members and volunteers. All the money raised will go to assist veterans. The Veterans of Foreign Wars organization has a picnic every Labor Day, Memorial Day and Fourth of July. The picnics are an annual tradition for the last three decades. Post 8696 is only one of two posts in Florida with the unique position to be open to the community for many of the events. The VFW also holds Bingo every Thursday evening as a fundraiser.
The VFW raises funds through holding various events throughout the year. The focus of the organization is to aid veterans and to guarantee they receive recognition for the services they have done for our country. The VFW members ensure that the community continues to respect the sacrifices veterans and their families have made to serve the United States.
A special recognition was given to VFW auxiliary member Bea Hornby to celebrate her 99th birthday at the picnic. She was surprised with a cake by her fellow auxiliary members. Her nieces Joan Boucher and June Pomilla traveled from New Jersey to celebrate the occasion. Hornby was a Rosie the Riveter during World War II and is currently an active community member. She holds an exercise class for 45 minutes three days a week at the VFW post.