- January 11, 2025
"It is time to take precautionary action and engage men and boys to talk about sexual assault and domestic violence."
-Executive Director of Family Life Center Trish Giaccone
Supporters took a step to end sexual assault and domestic violence the morning of Saturday, Sept. 19 on E. Highway 100. This year was the fourth annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” event. Before the walk began Community Development Administrator Arnold Anderson spoke about the steps society can take to prevent future sexual assault and domestic violence offenders, “We need to educate young men on the proper way to speak to women,” Anderson said. “As soon as a parent hears a negative comment they need to step in and address the situation. These negative thoughts and feelings will develop into power and control later on in life if left unaddressed.”
Each walker was given a sign made by a sexual assault or domestic violence victim from the Family Life Center. The supporters walked along the path by Highway 100 wearing red shirts and hoisting signs. Once the walk was completed Executive Director at Family Life Center Trish Giaccone spoke about the four women who have died as a result of domestic violence in Flagler County since 2007. These women were represented along the walking path with black silhouettes of their figures. Within the last five years there has been more than one call a day on the Family Life Center Emergency Hotline. 855 women and children have taken refuge in the Family Life Center shelter and 1,030 people have participated in the outreach program. Signs with these statistics lined the walkway to remind the community of the importance of educating future generations on sexual assault and domestic violence. In the state of Florida a woman is a victim every 4.7 seconds. In the United States three women are killed every day as a result of domestic violence.
To join the cause visit familylifecenterflagler.org.