Happy Birthday Frank

Friends and family gather for stories and fun for their 93-year-old friend.

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  • | 2:30 p.m. August 4, 2016
Frank Hendrick (right) enjoys his party with another WWII veteran, Frank Fonte. Courtesy photo
Frank Hendrick (right) enjoys his party with another WWII veteran, Frank Fonte. Courtesy photo
  • Palm Coast Observer
  • Neighbors
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On Tuesday, Aug. 2, residents rallied around Frank Hendrick, an American hero, celebrating his 93rd birthday. The celebration was at Hooligans restaurant in Palm Coast.

Hendrick served in the U.S. Navy in the Atlantic, with the armed guard, protecting merchant ships at sea. He said that in a two and a half month period three ships were torpedoed by the Germans, leaving him swimming in the ocean. He never wanted to take his life preserver off and went as far as wearing it in the shower. His friends say he has a great attitude and good sense of humor.


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