- January 10, 2025
The two – Palm Coast Roller Derby and Ormond’s Sintral Florida Derby – have officially become one. After six years of competing in the same league, they merged at a halftime “wedding ceremony” on Saturday, Dec. 3, at Destination Daytona.
“With the teams being so close together in proximity, it’s a natural fit for them to come together,” said Christina Morella, a team sponsor and former player. “Everyone is already such good friends, there is good unity and this should allow them to move up ranks and get a bigger team.
With the unification, the new team — the Palm Coast Roller Derby Beach Brawlers — will no longer compete at Destination Daytona, but its future games will be played at Skate N Shake at 250 US1 in Ormond.
Sintral Florida began in 2008, while Palm Coast started two years later.
Many of the skaters shared their reasons for loving the sport, often crediting the comradery. Morello said she picked up 15 new girl friends after her first day at a practice.
Dastardly D (Diane Montanez) has participated in roller derby for the last five years. She says it has afforded her many traveling opportunities and the ability to make a lot more friends.
"You're never alone in this sport," Montanez said. "Of all my memories, I would say that getting to meet people who share a love of the sport are my best memories. It's just amazing."
Meet the team: Holy Scrap (Carla Owens), Danimal the Animal (Danielle Krimpelman), Chasey Anthony (Lydia Torres), V for Vanilla (Chelsa Peterson), Mo'Dusa (Morgan Russ), Princess Leia U Out (Alyssa Roscoe), Bomb Chille (Michelle St. Pierre), Slim Skatie (Ashley Mason), Lucky Harms (Kelly Murphy), Dastardly D (Diana Montanez), Milla Yomybitch (Terra Windham), Shear TearHer (Pam Hampton), Millik N Cookies (Christina Millikin), Buxom Basher (Tara Seid), Harlett O'Scara (Magan Londono-Nelson) and Boomz 4 U (Sandra Dobson).
What’s a derby wife? A derby wife is a skater’s best friend in the world of derby. Derby wives are ethically required to always have each other’s’ backs, even to the point of arguing when they know their derby wife is in the wrong.