- January 16, 2025
On Saturday, Nov. 12, the Matanzas Army JROTC Raider’s Team competed in the Raider competition, showcased at Camp Blanding, with several other schools throughout the Jacksonville area.
The teams competed in events, including the tire flips, rope bridge, cross country run, obstacle course and an all-encompassing 2-mile run.
Matanzas fought their best to the top, as the male squad came in 2nd place for the muscle enduring team run. Their sister squad competed at their finest, in the same uniform events, progressively moving along in the rivalry.
The congregation of cadets, brought them closer together as a unit, while forcing them to motivate one another through physical, mental, and emotional wellness. They enhanced their knowledge to become better, both as a cadet, and as competitor, for next year, and appreciated the opportunity to enjoy the experience, and compete among fellow cadets.