- March 11, 2025
Man robbed of purple beach cruiser
7:49 p.m. Intersection of Utah Place and Seminole Woods Boulevard. Robbery: A 19-year-old man was walking south on Seminole Woods Boulevard alongside his purple beach cruiser bicycle when another young man walked up behind him, said "Don’t turn around," and then grabbed the bike and rode off with it, heading east on Utah Place. The bike was worth about $200, according to a Sheriff's Office report.
Burglar steals $2,000 sneakers
11:55 p.m. First block of Seagull Place. Burglary: A 52-year-old man went went out with some friends to celebrate landing a new job. The man's mother, 84, stayed home. But when the man got home late that night, he noticed that all the home's light were on, which was odd: His mother usually made sure to turn them off before going to bed. When he got inside, the man saw that his $400, 42-inch flatscreen TV was gone, medicine cabinets were open in the bathroom and his bedroom had been ransacked. He went to check on his mother, and she was asleep — next to a nightstand that the burglar had opened and rifled through. The man woke up his mom, who said she didn't know anyone had entered the house that evening. In addition to the TV, the burglar stole a $2,065 pair of Michael Jordan collectible sneakers, an $800 laptop computer, a $100 cordless phone and a New York state parole badge. A Sheriff's Office deputy wrote in a report that it looked like the burglar entered through the garage.