Cameron Higgins, 11, says each day is a little better, despite brain surgeries

On his gofundme page the 11-year old Belle Terre Elementary sixth-grader explains why he is a 1 percenter.

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  • | 12:52 p.m. February 18, 2016
Cameron Higgins coming home from a boy scout camping trip. Courtesy photo
Cameron Higgins coming home from a boy scout camping trip. Courtesy photo
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The following is adapted from the introduction to Cameron Higgins' gofundme page:

You ask what a 1% er' is.... 

It's a person that has experienced a brain arteriovenous malformation, commonly known as AVM. Basically it's a tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain. Arteries take oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the brain, while veins carry the oxygen-depleted blood back to the lungs and heart. A brain AVM disrupts this vital process. Basically the blood vessels ruptured and caused bleeding inside my brain. Brain AVM's are rare and affect less than 1% of the population. Hence I'm a 1% er'...!!

What causes AVMs is not clear. Most people are born with them such as myself. But before this happened, it was a normal day in the life of this 11-year-old.

Currently I attend Belle Terre Elementary School in Palm Coast, FL and I'm in the sixth grade. In my spare time I enjoy surfing, skateboarding, scootering, riding my bike, and video games. I recently became involved in scouting. Which I enjoy a lot. The picture above is me returning from a camp out with the Boy Scouts of America Troop 281 of Palm Coast FL. 

I'm hospitalized at the Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville Florida if anyone wants to come and visit me. So far I've under gone a few surgeries to drain the pressure off my brain. I'm unsure of what damages to my brain I have going on. But each day gets a little bit better.

Cameron Higgins in Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville. Courtesy photo
Cameron Higgins in Wolfson Children's Hospital in Jacksonville. Courtesy photo

I know I have a long road of recovery ahead with unknown obstacles and financial burdens. I created this to help spread the word about AVMs and to raise funds to help pay for my ongoing treatment and medical expenses, which I know are going to be very expensive. Any type of donations will be greatly appreciated and directly used to help with these financial burdens. 

Thank you so much for listening to my story. Please feel free to share with your family, friends, co-workers and anyone else who will listen. Let's bring awareness about AVMs in hope that no one else has to go thru this type of condition. 

Thank you for listening,

Cameron Higgins



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