- March 6, 2025
“Let us toast to the New Year, it gives us a fresh start for all the wonderful things that can be accomplished through our fight against cancer.” Trisha Cormeny, Relay For Life Community Manager. Photos by Anastasia Pagello
Muriel Heberg, M.J. Graham and Oral Groves toast to the beginning of another year.
Meet the committee, these men and women volunteer their time throughout the year to ensure a successful Relay For Life event in Flagler County.
Caregivers and cancer survivors gathered at Rymfire Elementary School on Thursday, January 14, to start preparations for the upcoming Relay For Life event on April 8-9 in Central Park, at Town Center. So far 26 teams have signed up to participate, and almost $7,000 have been raised.
This year the event will be held overnight to signify the journey of a cancer survivor.
“The event starts in the daylight, when everything is still going well,” said Judy Mazzella. “As darkness approaches, it signifies the struggles of cancer. Event goers walk through the long hours of the night, until the sun rises and relieves the oppressive
darkness. The sunrise signifies a person who has been deemed cancer free.”
Meetings are held throughout the year to keep the excitement for the event fresh.
“The meetings are more like a pep rally, one whole year between the main event is a long time,” explained cancer survivor Alaine Camerin. “Momentum is lost throughout the year, so the meetings give us an opportunity to regroup, become acquainted with
new team members and ultimately get us pumped up for the event. Putting that purple shirt back on reminds us why we work so hard to raise money. We do it for the people that are struggling to survive cancer just as I had only one year ago.”
Many new and unique activities are being planned for this year’s Relay For Life, including a kids zone, local bands, a Mr. Relay drag show contest, a morning butterfly release and a health zone featuring yoga and Tia Chi.
Visit bit.ly/1mZA5b, or facebook.com/relayforlifeflagler to donate and learn more.