- March 6, 2025
Matanzas High School students Dona Hoffman and LeAsia Lugo. Photos by Anastasia Pagello
The students were given an opportunity to ask extensive questions about the facility and the job opportunities SeaRay Boats offers.
Desiree McDaniel and Liam McCaskill observe an assembled yacht.
The students are guided through a maze of yachts on a colorful safety path.
Students from Matanzas and Flagler Palm Coast High School toured SeaRay Boats assembly building.
High school students are often asked, “What do you want to do once you graduate?”
As innocent as the question may seem, it can be an impossible question to answer for a 17-year-old. Career possibilities are endless, and many students are not exposed to a large majority of them until they have already chosen a major in college.
Flagler County Schools has teamed up with the Flagler County Education Foundation in an attempt to introduce students to career options and jobs that exist close to home. The program, Classrooms to Careers, receives $70,000 of funding a year from the Education Foundation, to instill in students an interest in local career paths.
On Friday, January 22, Matanzas and Flagler Palm Coast High School students, who showed an interest in manufacturing, took a tour of SeaRay Boats and Contemporary Machinery and Engineering.
“My dad works at a manufacturing facility, so when I found out about this field trip I was immediately interested in attending. This tour will give me the opportunity to walk in the shoes of someone who is already in the industry.” KAITLYN MUMMA, Junior at FPC
“Through the program we can build a pipeline between students, and their possible future employers,” said Deborah Williams, executive director for FCEF. “This gives them a hands-on opportunity to build an interest, and experience the industry, instead of just watching videos and hearing presentations.”
The students were given Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), which included earplugs and safety glasses, to wear during their educational tour through SeaRay Boats assembly building. Students eyed the boat hulls of 65-foot, $4 million yachts, as workers tirelessly worked to assemble hauls to upholstered cabins.
“I decided to sign up for today’s tour because I have not previously looked into the manufacturing industry,” said Kyle Goyzueta, FPC senior. “I am working on expanding my career options, as well as finding more direction for the fields in which I am interested.”
Flagler County Schools is now implementing different courses into the curriculum, which focus on teaching students the basic skill sets for different technical careers. FPC is offering a basic electrical, power and technology course. While FPC and MHS is offering a Building Construction Technology class.