- January 17, 2025
Information compiled from news releases
Buddy Taylor Middle School Earns “Gold Standard”...Again
For the third year in a row, Buddy Taylor Middle School has been named a Gold Award campus by the state of Florida, recognizing their efforts in utilizing Positive Behavior Supports (PBS) with students.
The designation comes from Florida’s Positive Behavior Support Project. The purpose of the Model School program “is to identify schools that exemplify best practices in the implementation of positive behavior support systems.” Flagler Schools have been using the PBS method for eight years.
The Flagler Auditorium Governing Board is pleased to announce its intent to award at least $5,000 in scholarships for 2016. Scholarships will be awarded to deserving Flagler County High School students, who submit a completed application. Applications may be picked up in the office of the auditorium or downloaded from the Flagler Auditorium website, www.flaglerauditorium.org; and at FPC and Matanzas High School guidance offices.