Autumn Bryan
Rachel Pladdys
Hannah Blevins
Skylar Sweatt
Lexi Wright
Rachel Pladdys won Miss Junior Flagler County.
Daria Harbater
Zoe Wolfe
Sara D'Esposito
Emily Hartley, Daria Harbater, Zoe Wolfe and Sara D'Esposito.
Zoe Wolfe realizes she's just won Miss Flagler County 2016.
Miss Flagler County 2015, Brie Smith.
Miss Flagler County 2015, Brie Smith crowning Miss Flagler County 2016, Zoe Wolfe.
Miss Flagler County 2016, Zoe Wolfe.
Miss Flagler County 2016, Zoe Wolfe with Miss Flagler County 2015, Brie Smith.
Z Wave Surf Shop held Miss Flagler County at Veterans Park on July 3.
Winner Zoe Wolfe was sponsored by Ultimate Irrigation and Landscaping Inc.