- November 23, 2024
As I write this on Monday, June 6, Tropical Storm Colin seems mild. Rain and wind from time to time; but certainly no Hurricane Frances or Charley.
The Estes dogs are not impressed with Tropical Storm Colin. This is especially true for Buddy, the Jack Russell.
After being adopted in Florida, Buddy moved to Arizona. Arizona doesn't have hurricanes, and not that many thunderstorms.
He came home with us last December because he was not adapting well to our granddaughters' new found mobility. He liked her fine – if she stayed in one place.
So to keep the peace, and the dog, good old mom and dad brought him back to Florida. A place where there are thunderstorms, tropical storms and hurricanes.
The bands of rain from Colin are passing through the area. Both dogs are quite upset, even while wearing their ThunderShirts. For the moment, Buddy is curled up on the bed, curtains drawn, and Kodi is in a favorite spot by the couch. They are where they feel safe, and that's all that matters.
Tropical Storm Colin is a weather nudge. We are into hurricane season, and we need to be prepared.
Your hurricane preparations need to inlcude your pets. Preparing an evacuation bag now for your pets will only take a bit of your time. Time well spent.
The kit isn't just for those who live in evacuation areas. It's for those inland, who may lose power, or be unable to get out for a couple of days.
Here are a few items to gather for your pet: Veterinary records for proof of vaccinations (put these in a zip lock bag. Tags are not recognized as proof.); pet medication; two, 2-liter plastic soda bottles for water; zip lock bags of dry food or extra cans of pet food; plastic food and water dishes; cat litter and disposable pan; crates for each pet and blankets; extra leash; doggie bags; one or two favorite toys (these can be tossed in at the last minute); ThunderShirts (if your dog uses them).
If you need to evacuate, or if you are sheltering in place, fill up the 2-liter bottles when you fill up your family's water needs – before the storm.
Now is also the time to verify that your pet's ID is up to date on their collar or their microchip.
Adoptable pets