- February 13, 2025
Volusia County’s Human Services Office is sponsoring a Summer Food Service Program for children at 77 sites around the county from June 13 through Aug. 12.
The program, funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, provides nutritionally balanced meals for kids during summer vacation when school breakfasts and lunches are not available. All children 18 and younger are eligible for meals at no charge, and there will be no discrimination in meal service.
The programs are approved only for geographical areas where 50% or more of the children qualify for free and reduced-price meals during the school year.
Summer feeding sites listed under the city headings will provide meals to all children in the immediate vicinity in addition to those enrolled in summer school.
Meals will be served Monday through Friday unless otherwise indicated. All sites will be closed on July 4 in observance of Independence Day.
The following Ormond sites will participate in the Summer Food Service Program:
Nova Community Center, 440 N. Nova Road, June 20 through Aug. 5
Skate & Shake Learning Center, 250 N. U.S. 1. June 13 through Aug. 12
South Ormond Neighborhood Center, 176 Division Ave., June 13 through Aug. 5
YMCA Ormond Beach, 500 Sterthaus Drive, June 13 through Aug. 12