- January 10, 2025
The final school bell has rung. Elizabeth Townsend, Maura McCarthy, Leah Snyder, Tyler Perry, Mikhail Vassilyev, and Matthew Curley are sorting through black trash bags in Angela Bigg's class at Flagler Palm Coast High School.
They are members of the Feminist Club at FPC, and their last community outreach project of the year was collecting items for the Betty Griffin House in St. Augustine, an organization that provides services for victims of domestic violence and/or sexual assault. The donation drive began April 11 and will officially conclude on May 16.
Maura, Leah, and Haley Craycraft, who was unable to attend this meeting, approached FPC photography and art teacher Angela Biggs last year about being a sponsor for their club. Biggs, who has sponsored other afterschool clubs, including photography and GSA clubs, agreed to be their sponsor.
“We thought people really didn't know what feminism was at FPC,” Maura said. “We thought we could bring awareness to it, and hopefully meet some other people who have similar views.”
Not everyone who has attended meetings has agreed with the group.
“One meeting, a boy came to club who was against feminism,” Leah said. “He didn't agree with us at the end, but at least he came, and we talked. We saw from his point of view, and he saw from ours.”
The club really wants to bring the topic to the attention of their fellow students.
“Whether people are coming to the meetings or not, people see the posters around school,” Elizabeth said. “Even if they don't agree with it, they have to face it. There's a lot of people that don't agree with the club, but that opens up the room for discussion, which is what I think is the point – to open up dialogue.”
The group meets the first and third Tuesday of the month in room 1-099 to watch a video or discuss specific topics. The final meeting of this school year will be on May 17.
“Some of our topics this year have included sexual assault awareness, and women in the Middle East and what they face, Maura said. “The last meeting was on consent.”
“We have also had one on the history of feminism and Guerrilla Girls,” Leah said. “Guerrilla Girls have done a lot of work for female artists.”
Helping sort through the donations for the Betty Griffin House are three boys, Mikhail, Tyler, and Matthew.
“I think there's a really big misconception around school,” Mikhail said. “People think that feminism is about hating men, when really it's about helping people. I figured if I attended meetings, it would lessen the stigma a little bit for other guys that may be seeing it in an uninformed way.”
“You don't have to understand it, but just respect other people's point of view,” Tyler said.
To get the word out about the club and events, like the donation drive, the group posts fliers and includes meeting topics on the morning announcements. They also have a club Twitter account: FPCFeminists.
Elizabeth will be graduating this year, but will continue to be involved in a feminist club.
“I already contacted my school, the University of Florida, to verify that they have a feminist club,” she said. “They do, and they have 75 members.”