- January 10, 2025
Kim Weeks, the media specialist at Old Kings Elementary, and the 2016 Teacher of the Year, attended the Teacher of the Year Summit in Tallahassee, Oct .24-26. She came home with a signed photograph of her, Governor Rick Scott, and his wife Ann, and lots of memories.
“I got to meet the most amazing people, from all over Florida,” Weeks said.
The Summit included the Teachers of the Year from the other counties in the state, and a chance to tour the State capital and attend, and be recognized, at the State Board of Education meeting. The teachers also had the governor’s ear at a cabinet meeting.
“He truly listened to us at the cabinet meeting,” Weeks said. “He didn’t say a work, he just sat there and took notes.”
The governor traveled to Flagler, before the summit, to assess damage caused by Hurricane Matthew.
“I thanked him for coming down here after the hurricane,” Weeks said. “His wife offered to come to our county to read to the children.”