- January 10, 2025
BOX: The Portuguese American Cultural Center of Palm Coast hosted its sixth-annual North v. South Golf Tournament last month, attracting nearly 100 participants. In addition to the tournament, scholarships for 10 students with Portuguese ancestry received $20,500 in scholarships to pursue their education from the funds raised by the tournament. The scholarship funds, while awarded to the students, go directly to the schools they attend.
The monies and the success of this work is due to the collaboration of golfers who fundraise through the annual North vs. South Golf Tournament, where golfers from northern states play against golfers from the southern states on three local golf courses: St. Johns in St. Augustine, Halifax Plantation and The Conservatory at Hammock Beach.
Cypress Knoll
Oct. 26: Stableford Points: 1st Flight: Debbie Crowley 22.5, Jan Graham 21.5; 2nd Flight: Gerry Chiarello 18; Birdies: No. 13 Crowley; Chip-ins: No. 13 Alice Manthey.
Oct. 26: 1/2 Handicap: 1st Flight: Alice Manthey 45, Barb Bergquist 46.5; 2nd Flight: Bea Franchini 56.5; Birdies: No. 10 and 14 Deb Crowley, No. 14 Rita Miller, No. 16 Bergquist.
Nov. 2: Two Best Balls (teams): Bob Druttman, Chris, Vern Romero and Dave York 29, Win Cooper, John Francavilla, Joel Schwalb and blind 24; CTP: No. 2 Druttman, No. 5 Romero, No. 14 John Locovozzi, No. 18 York.
Grand Haven
Oct. 25: California Scramble (teams): Joan Callahan, Kate Theroux, Pat Smith, Roe Bianchi, first place; Sharon Downes, Jennifer Humphreys, Elaine Worsfold, Camille Hinsch, second; Suman Bhat, Marcia Munsterman, Mia Marchio, third.
Oct. 26: Best Nine: 1st Flight: Dave Jaworski 29, tie Pete Bianchi, Bob Borer and Bob Mehl 31; 2nd Flight: Bill Boyer 26, Bob Malone 29, tie Chuck Culver and Bob Schwarzlow 30; 3rd Flight: Jack Hinsch 29, tie Tom Smith, Al Fatone and Joe Palermo 29; 4th Flight: Mike Tebbano 29, tie Art Canino and Frank Ligon 30; CTP: No. 5 Boyer, No. 8 Earl Buchanan, No. 14 Mike O'Brien, No. 17 Jaworski.
Grand Reserve
Oct. 26: Chicago Points: 1st White Flight: Gary Sutterfield 41MC, Dave Card 41MC, Steve Thompson 40; 2nd White: Steve Quartarone 42, Bob Papile 41, Jim Palmer 40; 3rd White: Jack Williams 40, Al Dennison 38, Wayne Zack 37; 1st Green Flight: Dave Pouliet 43, Tom Kumle 42MC, Chuck Modica 42MC; 2nd Flight: Jerry Fletcher 40MC, Abe Bockish 40MC, Jim Moore 38MC; Closeups: No. 4 Jerry Conner, No. 6 Ken Oberlin, No. 10 Larry Pohovch, No. 13 Card, No. 16 Dick Porter.
Oct. 31: Mystery Holes: Fran Paslowski 23, Karen Brodeur 27, Peg Whitmill 29, Gerry Chiarello 30.
Pine Lakes
Oct. 25: Match Play: 1st White Flight: John Sbordone 4/3, Rodney Russell 4/2, Phil Mendoza 2/1; 2nd White: Charlie Fiorentino 2/1, Ed Novalis +1, Charlie Salerno +1, Jay Steiinmeier 4/3, Peter Weber 3/2; 1st Gold Flight: Harry Burchell +1, George Druttman 5/3, Gordon Patrick +1, Dave Schlink 4/3; Foster Vestal +1; Dave Bouchard 3/2, Gene Dunn +1, Frank Hopler 3/2, Peter Lomaglia +1, Dave York +1; Forward Tees: Tom Clutter +1, Bob Hunter +1; CTP: No. 2 and 16 Bill Nelson, No. 8 Hunter, No. 12 Mendoza.