- January 10, 2025
Pak's Karate Academy held its quarterly belt testing Saturday, Nov. 12, at its location at 2323 No. State St. Those who were promoted were as follows:
Tested for low yellow: Daniel Rohrbeck; Robert Hays, Matthew Hays, Casper Blank, Corbin Blank, Aleena Hageman, Malik Montfleury, Kirill Kinsha, Rene Kondiolka, Patrick O’Grady, Nicole Duncanson, Colin Withrow and Conner Laks; high yellow: Nathan Vegerano, Dante Pappas, Braden Green and Sean Brunner; low green: Frankie Kingsley, Olivia Luczak, Knowledge Wilson, Alex Kulesza and Koda Bane, Amara Valdes, Gabriella Stubbs, Xander Goldberg, Adriana McDowell, Lauren Romero, Husan Ganiev, Hasan Ganiev, Landon Stasa, Violetta Kinsha and Koda Bane; high green: Alexander Keiser, Imronbek Kadirbekov and Myranda Valdes; blue: Magdalena Luczak, Olivia Luczak, Maya Kulesza, Nida Anwar and Raekwon Morris; brown: Jonathan Estes; red: Jake Estes, Tanner Lee, Jackson Estes and Qadir Tariq; black/white: Trenton Neuenfeldt, Asim and Amir Tariq; black: Kyle McDonnell (Deputy first Dan).
The academy's next testing will be held in February 2017, at its local location.
DID YOU KNOW? The academy's founder Grandmaster Song Ki Pak once taught soldiers of the U.S. Government for the 7th Infantry Military Police Company and the CIA in 1961, near Dongducheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea.