- January 10, 2025
My husband thought Buddy looked, well to put it delicately – rounder.
We feed him twice a day, 1/3 cup of high quality food. The hurricane provided him with more yard to run in, so he’s getting more exercise. So why was he gaining weight?
This question was answered when I walked into the kitchen and found him standing on the kitchen table next to an empty cat food bowl.
While my husband was concerned about Buddy’s figure, I was concerned that the cat was CLEANING her bowl every day.
Samantha, like most cats – and not like most dogs – likes to graze, nosh if you will, throughout the day, which is why her bowls are not on the floor.
So there’s Buddy, head down, big brown, and very pitiful, eyes looking up at me. A look that could be interpreted as, “Ah, mom, I’m sorry,” except the very next day the bowl was empty –licked clean again.
Apparently our “starving” pup, jumps up on a bench, to get to the table top for an extra helping. I am actually more worried about him jumping down; especially with the added weight. We don’t use that table, so the bench has been pushed under it, and chairs relocated to another table. Let’s see him jump from the floor with that belly.
Buddy reminds us, that it’s not good for our pets to eat people (or cat) food this holiday season. We were lucky; he could have gotten an upset stomach.
There are some foods that can be fatal and absolutely should never be fed to pets, such as avocado and raisins. The best rule of thumb is if there isn’t picture of a dog or cat on the packaging, you shouldn’t feed it to your pet.
Good News! Phelps, the swimming pup from the canal, was one of 19 dogs that were adopted last weekend during the Black Friday special. Twenty-seven lucky cats have new homes too!
Today is Thrifty Thursday at the FHS Thrift Shop, 224 St. Joe Plaza Drive. From 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. 60% of the store is 60% off.
The annual Holiday Cocktail Party is a full-dinner event, at Europa in European Village, on Thursday, Dec. 8. There will be live music by Cesar and a silent auction. Tickets are $75 per person and include dinner. and two drink tickets, and proceeds help the homeless animals at the humane society. RSVP to Lynn at 679-8829.