- February 10, 2025
The Ormond Beach Police Department is currently participating in a High Visibility Enforcement program to address pedestrian and bicycle safety issues within the city. Particularly with crosswalk safety and violations by pedestrians, bicycles and vehicles.
This will be done through education, warnings and enforcement at locations that have been identified as high risk throughout the city. Previously the Ormond Beach Police Department was only issuing educational materials and warnings to violators. Effective immediately, OBPD will also be issuing Florida Uniform Traffic Citations to violators.
Pedestrian and bicycle violations start at $64.50. Fines for vehicles that violate crosswalk regulations start at $116.
Volusia County is among the top ten Florida counties with the greatest number of pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities and this program aims to reduce the incidents of these types of crashes.
In 2016, there were 16 vehicle and pedestrian crashes and 13 vehicle and bicyclist crashes in Ormond Beach. Several of these crashes resulted in serious bodily injury. Every year, OBPD receives citizen complaints of vehicles not yielding to pedestrians in crosswalks, particularly in the area of SR A1A (Beach approaches) and SR 40/Lewis Street.
The overall goal of the enforcement program is the reduction of vehicle vs. pedestrian/bicycle crashes as well as education of the public to use designated crosswalks provided for their safety.