- January 9, 2025
A life-size menorah lit up European Village for the city's second-annual Hanukkah celebration in the village on Thursday, Dec. 14, the third night of Hanukkah.
Palm Coast Mayor Milissa Holland performed the lighting of the Shamash candle (the middle, ninth candle that provides extra light) on the menorah during the celebration, which was hosted by Chabad of Palm Coast.
"Eight candles on the menorah remind us of the miracle centuries ago when just a tiny amount of oil lit the menorah for eight days," Holland said. "The story represents good over evil, courage over fear, freedom over repression."
Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Levi Ezagui thanked the Krayter family, who sponsored the event, by presenting Val Krayter with an engraved menorah.
"Today, many years later, we all have a little jug of oil inside us to light up the world," Rabbi Levi Ezagui said.
Rockin’ Rappin’ Reggae Rabbi Dr. Laz performed holiday favorites like "I Have a Little Dreidel." Hundreds enjoyed latkes and doughnuts, face painting, a petting zoo and a dreidel walking around on stilts to celebrate the eight-day holiday.
Visit chabadpalmcoast.com.