- March 10, 2025
Q: Why do you think you've been awarded Teacher of the Year?
A: I teach reading and language arts, but I am able to build strong relationships through conversations that build on active support and acceptance. Each of my students are very different, so it is important for me to not only support those learning differences in the classroom activities/lessons, but also their personality differences on how they handle things or how they need to be supported. I am very involved at ITMS. I am the yearbook adviser, a mentor for Girls on the Run, attend many after-school events such as the dances, and play a role in designing the Mustang Success school program.
Q: Why do you love teaching?
A: I feel very lucky to be able to say that I truly love my job! I love teaching because I love my students. Each one is so very different, and the middle school years are a tough time for these young teens, as they are trying to figure out who they are and who they want to become. Each day, I have the chance to make a difference in my students' lives; how awesome is that! If I can make their day a little bit more enjoyable while they are here, then I have done my job!
Q: How long have you been teaching? What subject do you teach? What grade?
A: This is my fourth year teaching at Indian Trails (and in my career!). I teach language arts and intensive reading. We loop each year so we switch grades, but this year, I have five eighth-grade language arts classes and one seventh-grade intensive reading class.
Q: How would you describe your teaching style? What's unique about you and your classroom that could have contributed to you earning Teacher of the Year?
A: My teaching style could be described as to the rules plus some fun! It is important that when picking things to read, that they are interesting and relevant. Something that contributes to me earning TOY is that I try to find topics that allow students to learn about things outside their middle school bubble, which often fosters some eye-opening conversations for me and for them. In addition, my greatest hope is to create a classroom of community: one full of acceptance, belonging and laughter.
Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add about earning Teacher of the Year that I didn't ask?
A: I am thankful for this award, but I did not earn it all on my own! My colleagues, administrators and family have taught me so much, and that I am grateful for!