- February 11, 2025
The Florida House of Representatives has decided to push legislation to undo economic development funding in Florida and defund our state’s tourism agency.
They say they don’t want government intrusion in the free market. Of course, there is government financing in the areas of health care, transportation, education, housing and social services. But, they have decided to try to totally eliminate funding for the one area where we can easily show a major return on the investment of your tax dollars. Jobs are being created by more companies moving to our state and our tourism industry has recruited a record-breaking number of visitors over the last few years.
Even more absurd: The politicians in the Florida House who already voted for this bill say they don’t necessarily want to abolish these programs but instead want to advance a “conversation,” meaning they voted for something they don’t support. This is hypocrisy at its best and these are the kind of games I came to Tallahassee to change.
Both Visit Florida and EFI have made mistakes over the years. In both cases, we have made changes to ensure transparency of taxpayer dollars and brought in new leadership.
If the House succeeds with ending economic development and tourism programs in Florida, the small and rural communities in our state would be hurt the most.
Just last week I traveled the state and met with business owners who are devastated that there is even talk of abolishing these programs. Many job creators rely on EFI and Visit Florida and said they would not be able to keep their doors open if it weren’t for their help. No job is expendable to the families they employ.
This is no time to stand still. In business, you are either moving forward or you are moving backward. The Florida House is currently planning to take our state backward. I will fight to stop them, and so should you.
Rick Scott is the governor of Florida.