Miniature horse escapes from home during storm, ends up in the back of a police car

So far, the horse has not been charged with a crime.

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  • | 5:55 p.m. January 24, 2017
Ormond Beach Police Chief Jesse Godfrey comforted the miniature horse until his owner came to the rescue (Photo courtesy of OBPD'  s Facebook).
Ormond Beach Police Chief Jesse Godfrey comforted the miniature horse until his owner came to the rescue (Photo courtesy of OBPD' s Facebook).
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Around 3 a.m. Monday morning, Ormond Beach's Animal Control Department recieved an unusual call: a miniature horse was on the loose near McIntosh Road and Kenilworth Avenue. 

Officers couldn't spot the animal at first, according to Supervisor Joanna Owen, but after a second call came in, an officer with horse experience was able to coax him into the backseat of the patrol car. Owen suspects that the horse got out after Sunday's storms. 

"I was reading my emails that morning, and I had to look twice," Owen said. "In the 15 years I've been here, we've never had a mini horse."

The horse's caretaker was located within an hour, and the horse was returned home. 



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