- January 3, 2025
Dear Editor:
This is written in answer to Edith's anti-gun letter in which she states "I suggest we leave the handling of gangs to those trained to do the job." Sounds like another 'call 911 and the police will come riding up in their white cars in a jiffy.' Police response time ranges from four minutes to one day. The four minutes applies in you live in a very upper-income area. Edith, this is a somewhat free country and you can own a gun or not, but writing letters to the editor like a lot of you anti-gun people do stating you don't own a gun doesn't make much sense; some criminals can read.
The National Rifle Association in their magazines runs stories about armed citizens who defend themselves. I remember one about an elderly widow lady who heard someone breaking into her home; she got her deceased husband's .38 Colt and confronted the robber and told him to leave; he didn't; she shot him six times; he died; she then dialed 911. A reporter asked her if she was scared. She said that yes, she'd been afraid that she was going to run out of ammunition. Her husband had trained her how to do this job.
Douglas Glover
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
Paul Renner’s rise to the position of speaker of the Florida House of Representatives is not entirely good news.
The citizens of Flagler County and our various cities and towns elected commissioners and council members to look after our best interests. We have faith in our local elected leaders.
If our local leaders wish to ban fracking from our neighborhoods, we all back them and their efforts to protect our property values and even the quality of our drinking water.
Renner, with campaign donations from Koch Industries, TECO Energy, First Coast Energy and Nextera Energy, among others, voted to take away from the Flagler County Commission, and the leaders of cities and towns, the ability to ban fracking within our borders. Renner voted “Yes!” on House Bill 191 (2016) that “Preempts to the state regulation of matters relating to exploration, development, production" of oil and natural gas by fracking.
Ultimately the bill failed, thanks to the good sense of many in our state legislature. But it did not fail because of Paul Renner. On the contrary, he supported HB 191!
We all need to back our local governments. We need Paul Renner to do the same!
Merrill Shapiro
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
Responsible Volusia residents must be very pleased to have their new Police Chief on board. Sheriff Chitwood certainly was a great choice on their part. He has shown during his career to be both a proactive police officer, and, more importantly, a proven leader.
Congratulations go to him on his latest public information ad, an ad which reminds people of the clear and present danger associated with texting while driving. (Every day distracted drivers kill and injure innocent people with no end in sight; texting related accidents have now far surpassed those of drunk driving.)
Local newspapers are currently using the following words when describing single- or multi-vehicle accidents: The vehicle left it's traffic lane, or the vehicle left the roadway for "unknown reasons." Think about it — "unknown reasons." Just what does that mean?
Thank you, Chief, for fully understanding the real gravity of this insane practice, and for reminding the public by bringing this deadly issue to the forefront. It is without doubt the most important issue of the day when it comes to public safety on our roadways.
Please keep up the good work. The innocent pedestrians, bicyclists, including our responsible drivers out there, are all counting on you.
Let's hope that other high-ranking public safety officials, both in our local communities,and across our state, get on board and follow your lead. Maybe even a new state logo is in order: "BUCKLE UP AND SHUT IT OFF."
Arthur Woosley
Flagler Beach