- February 8, 2025
The Florida Department of Transportation held a public alternative meeting on July 13 in the Casements to discuss three alternatives to complete a bike and pedestrian trail along State Road 40 from Cassen Park to State Road A1A.
The trail would form part of the St. Johns River to Sea loop trail as well as the larger East Coast Greenway, a trail system that once completed will span from the Florida Keys to the border of Canada and Maine.
The meeting served to present the proposed trail routes to the community and get public feedback.
All three trails utilize the existing bike lanes and pedestrian sidewalks on the Granada bridge, but deviate when reaching the beachside.
The first option puts the trail behind the post office where it will then come back onto State Road 40 after bordering the Oceanside Country Club golf course.
The second and third alternatives would make the trail turn right on Riverside Drive after the bridge, continuing on Casements Drive and passing in the rear of the Ormond Memorial Art Museum. The options then split after crossing a parking lot to Vining Street, with one headed back north toward State Road 40 and the other head south and following the road onto Bovard Avenue. The third trail option then reaches A1A.
The first alternative is the shortest and has the lowest number of street crossings. The third is the longest, with the highest number of street crossings, but has the lowest estimated right-of-way cost.
No alternative has been selected yet, but FDOT is accepting feedback for the study until July 24.