- January 3, 2025
Dear Editor:
In regards to your article on new laws for charter schools, I couldn't help but notice a comment made by Chairman Trevor Tucker. I'm sorry Trevor, but play is critical to a child's mental development. As are all those extra electives such as art and music. What you should be asking, is why it took a law to force you to give kids the play they need. As any homeschooling parent can tell you, and our yearly tests prove, our kids are smart, knowledgeable, and best of all, get all our course work done in under three hours a day. I'd say that something is horribly wrong with the schools if they can't manage that and the appropriate recess time, on top of sending kids home with homework. Squabbling over which schools are under which rules should be the least of your concerns.
Elizabeth Tramontano
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
In a recent article in The Observer, Sheriff Rick Staly talked tough about curtailing gang recruitment operations in Palm Coast and surrounding areas. He also talked tough on crime in general. He didn't mention what, if any, his plans are in regards to an active shooter scenario.
Will Sheriff Staly join with other Florida Sheriffs and send out a call to arms?
According to fox13news.com, Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd and Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey both say people should be armed and prepared just in case they are faced with an active shooter.
I would like to know if our Flagler County Sheriff will join with Polk County's Sheriff Grady Judd, and Brevard County's Sheriff Wayne Ivey and send out his call to arms.
Carl Marco
Palm Coast
I love Flagler schools and hate that more emphasis is being put on the charter schools.
— Kendra Bright
I think its great kids should get more playtime! And less testing!
— Nancy McDonald Stoeber
Our taxes should go to public schools! If you want to go to a private school you pay for it.
— Jennifer Mendoza
We were built on public education.
— Pat Durocher
There is a solution. Take back the school's from the government!!!
— Rhonda J. Hock Halford
Another thing that would help,if visitors would use the walk overs instead of climbing up and down the dunes. I watched an entire family climb up the sand mounds and cross over the fencing because they were too lazy to walk down to the closest walk over! They have no respect for the beaches or residence that live on A1A..
— Leah Bartlett Sebag
How about rocks? Virginia Beach used slabs of rocks. Norfolk too. ... I'm so serious Palm Coast please look at Virginia's beaches and see. We've had hard hurricanes hit us there too. Sand will not do anything but continue to sink. Ya need rocks! Big ones!
— Yanira Sanchez
We need a sea wall, sand is NOT going to cut it. How come the north end is getting one but not the south end? What they are doing now, isonly a temporary fix!!!.
— Shoshana Viana
Maybe we can get the kind where it's all different colors arranged in squiggly rows or swirls! That would be fun.
— Brad West