- March 6, 2025
Trish DeWitt's class of 17 students walked in a single-file line to the field behind the basketball courts. Each second-grader tightly gripped a balloon, making sure they didn't release it too early.
Balloons often symbolize birthday parties or other happy celebrations, but this wasn't one of those occasions. The students, faculty and family members of DeWitt gathered together to celebrate her memory after she died unexpectedly Feb. 26.
After spending over a decade teaching at Tomoka Elementary School, those who knew DeWitt spoke to the amazing educator that she was.
"She always put her students first," said an administrator. "She went above and beyond doing what was required. This is definitely a shock."
On March 6, her class released balloons in her honor. Students wrote sayings such as "Miss you more than anything," and "I love you, Mrs. DeWitt," on the balloons before releasing them into the sky.
"They did," said an administrator. "They did love her."
The Volusia County School Board has provided counseling for the students. DeWitt had recently received her 25-year pin for working for the county.