- February 10, 2025
Two Seabreeze High School students were arrested March 27 after they brought a gun to school, along with plans to rob a nearby hotel.
Dean of Discipline Mark Tweedy called the Daytona Beach Police Department after a student told a teacher that she heard one of her classmates had brought a gun on campus and was planning on "raiding a hotel." Tweedy and the school's resource officer located the gun in the backpack of one of the defendants, a 15-year-old boy, in the boys locker room.
According to the police report, Tweedy and the officer retrieved a lower receiver for an AR-15 rifle, two 30-round magazines, one 10-round magazine and 29 12-gauge shotgun rounds in the backpack.
The 15-year-old told police that around midnight March 23 he took his dad's AR-15, shotgun and magazines, put them inside a red pillow case and met the other defendant, a 14-year-old boy, at the pavilion on the east side of the Granada Bridge. The 15-year-old then gave the 14-year-old the weapons and ammo.
He said they planned on going to the LaPlaya Hotel and Inn, which is no longer open due to Hurricane Matthew, in Daytona Beach to steal TVs. The 15-year-old said they didn't intend to hurt anyone with the gun, and that they only were using it to "scare people off."
The upper portion of the gun was at the 14-year-old's residence, according to the 15-year-old. Police located the defendant, and he told them that part of the gun and the shotgun was under his bed. Police went to the home and retrieved the weapons.
Police determined that the 14-year-old brought the guns and ammo to campus and gave them to the 15-year-old between first and second period. Officers also found a notebook with a drawn out map of what looks like La Playa. It also showed the Hilton and possible plans of a burglary or robbery, with notes of camera locations and a possible getaway direction.
They were both charged with a felony possession of a firearm.