- February 19, 2025
Who’s the biggest “Star Wars” fan in Palm Coast? It might be the father who named his son after Kylo Renn, the villain in “The Force Awakens.” Dan and Jacque Wrenn became the proud parents of their fourth child on March 29 and named him Ronin Michael Kylo Wrenn.
Dan Wrenn has been a lifelong fan of the movies and now has a weekly podcast called “Podcast 4 Sci-fi.” He attends sci-fi conventions many times each year and has brought his wife and children with him to three “Star Wars” events, including the most recent one in Orlando, which was little Kylo’s first.
Like many kids, Dan Wrenn collected Star Wars figures and played with them as a child. As an an adult, he still buys the latest toys, but they’re for the collection only.
“My kids will hate me someday when they find all of them and ask if they can open them, and I say no,” he said.
After "May the Fourth be with you," the Wrenns will be celebrating "Revenge of the Fifth."