- January 1, 2025
Dear Editor:
I am happy that the Palm Coast Arts Foundation has been able to raise $112,000 toward the building of the roof on top of the stage in Town Center. What saddened me was the lack of knowledge of Parkside Realty Group Broker/Owner and PCAF President Sam Perkovich, when she remarked that when she drives people around town looking for a home to buy, they often are disappointed at the lack of arts venues.
What she should be announcing is that we have the Flagler Auditorium, where we hold wonderful performances by many known artists, and we also have the Flagler County Art League, which is going to be celebrating its 40th anniversary next year. FCAL has monthly gallery shows, classes and workshops for all levels of artists.
Furthermore, in Palm Coast, Flagler Beach and Bunnell, you can experience the visual arts by visiting one of the many art galleries, including The Salvo Art House, Baliker Gallery, I AM ART/Rachel & Friends, Art LaMay Studio, Gallery of Local Art, Ocean Art Gallery, and the Gargiulo Art Foundation, to name a few.
Kathy Collaro
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
The traffic on Matanzas Woods Parkway has gotten worse, and adding 50 new houses with the Matanzas Lakes development on Londonderry Drive, with two cars for each house, maybe more with one way in and one way out, is going to add to the problem.
I have a difficult time getting out of my street. The long line of cars, trucks and school buses goes all the way to the traffic light at Belle Tere Parkway. If you want to turn left to get on the interstate, you have to cut cars off, because nobody will let you in, even when they’re not moving. The city of Palm Coast needs to fix this before someone gets killed. This needs to be taken care of before they add to the problem!
Dennis C. Rathsam
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
I take exception to parts of Mr. Douglas Glover's May 18 letter. Many people utilize and are grateful for Palm Coast's many bike paths, including myself. They are safe, scenic, beautiful places to ride and reduce our chances of being hit by cars.
The local dog parks are a great way to give our dogs socialization and exercise. My husband and dog go at least four times per week.
As for the "shade for the children,” hopefully, the shade will lure parents and kids outside to enjoy the fresh air, get needed exercise and get them away from their electronic devices for a few hours per day.
Cathy Ingham
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
There were two very different letters to the editor in the May 18 paper.
The first one was from a man who could not, once again, find one single nice thing to say about Palm Coast and went on and on complaining. Yes, the shooting in the L-section was horrific, but, contrary to the writer’s conspiracy allegation, this incident was mentioned in the Palm Coast Observer and other local media. I live in one of the “hellhole” neighborhoods you mention, and I feel safe. Maybe, Mr. Glover, you should pack your bags and leave this horrible city.
Thankfully, the second letter about the Guardian ad Litem program from Mrs. Stacey Stanford was beautiful. People like her are what makes Palm Coast the great place it is. The children of Flagler County are the better for such a great woman. Thank you for your services, Mrs. Stanford.
Viviane Lindeolsson
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
I am very outraged by a previous letter proposing that pit bulls be outlawed. I have known several pit bulls and pit owners, most of whom have little children, and I have never met one who was aggressive!
I personally own two pit bulls. They are very loyal to their families and play with the children just like a little dog would.
They do make excellent guard dogs. A relative of mine almost had their house broken into. Their pit heard something rustling around the backyard and went to investigate. All the dog did was growl and showed his teeth, and the crook thought better of it, and he beat feet off their property.
The dogs that you are against were bred to fight, and that's all they know to do. They will attack anything that comes near them. And yes, those should be banned and the owners severely fined and/or jailed.
I'm sure you have heard the phrase, "It all depends on how they're raised.” It is true. Our pits are just big, silly, Marmadukes.
You should never lump anything as being the same and label them, just because you don't like them.
Thank you,
Sheila Sapien
Palm Coast
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