Allstate agents partner with Habitat for Humanity to help local families

The group spent their morning helping build homes.

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  • | 4:13 p.m. April 13, 2018
Tom Abbott, Kerry Ravi, John Penny, Rodney Williams, Mark Norcia, Devon O'Donnell. Photo courtesy of Allstate Insurance
Tom Abbott, Kerry Ravi, John Penny, Rodney Williams, Mark Norcia, Devon O'Donnell. Photo courtesy of Allstate Insurance
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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At the end of March, on a Saturday morning, a group of Allstate agents from around Volusia County came together to help families by assisting with a local homebuilding project in Port Orange. 

The project was part of a Habitat for Humanity effort and has since qualified for a group grant from Allstate, which means $5,000 in grants will be donated to Habitat For Humanity as well. 




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