- March 6, 2025
Jennie and Carmine Izzillo celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary at a surprise party in Palm Coast thrown by their daughters. Photo courtesy of Carmela Brown
Ann DeLucia, FCAL President; Louise Kennedy, second place; Judi Wormeck, first place; Patty Hillman, Best of Show; Tom McKean, third place, at the Flagler County Art League spring art show. Courtesy photo
Carol Welch, Pen Women President stands with Joyce Gatonska, winner of National League of American Pen Women, Daytona Beach Chapter award for pastel at the Flagler County Art League spring art show. Photo courtesy of Ann DeLucia
Eleanor and Sophia Snedeker pose by their colorings at the VFW contest. Photo courtesy of Stephanie Sumler
Student ambassadors from the TRAIL Program, Michael Alexander and Juliana Sclafani, pose with TRAIL Program Coordinator Dr. Kim Halliday at the Classroom to Careers Symposium on April 12. Photo courtesy of Jason Wheeler
Matanzas High School welcomed the next wave of students into the National Honor Society on April 2. Photo courtesy of Jan Lemus
Malaiah S., Kaelani B., Camry W., Troy C., Emily D. and Jacob H. in Jayne Baker's class hold up plants they’ve watched grow at Rymfire Elementary. Photo courtesy of Melanie Tahan
Rymfire student Isabella Russell is happy to be holding a chick after watching it from an egg. She hopes she'll be able to visit it at a home nearby as an adult chicken. Photo courtesy of Melanie Tahan
Adaline Annie: 34994400, 2-year-old female lab mix. Photo courtesy of Katie Share
Marmaduke: 38133505, 5-year-old male shepherd mix. Photo courtesy of Katie Share
Tank: 38214453, 4-year-old male bullmastiff mix. Photo courtesy of Katie Share
Tiger: 37308391, 3-year-old male domestic short-haired cat. Photo courtesy of Katie Share
Carmine and Jennie Izzillo celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary at a surprise party at Pine Lakes Golf Club on April 14. The couple has lived in Palm Coast for nearly 45 years. While their official wedding anniversary was April 3, their four daughters — three of whom flew into town for the occasion — surprised them with a party on Saturday.
"It was very nice," Carmine Izzillo said. "We were really completely surprised. We never expected all our daughters to be here at one time."
Carmine's advice to other spouses:
"Never let your first argument be your last," he said. "And if you know you did wrong, confess it. Say 'I'm sorry.' You just have to love each other. ... We were in love then, and we're still in love now."
Flagler County Art League held its 40th-annual spring art show and 7th-annual poetry competition on April 14 during an opening reception. The exhibit will run through May 8. The winners are as follows:
Best of Show: "Timucuan Hunter” Clay Sculpture by Patty Hillman
First: "Yellow Vase" Mixed Media by Judi Wormeck
Second: "The Widower Stepping Out" Clay Sculpture by Louise Kennedy
Third: "A Bad Day for the Prince" Colored Pencil by Thomas McKean
Distinction 1: "Verdant" Oil by Beverley Ulrich
Distinction 2: "Gotta Feed the Kids" Mixed Media by Ron Wallace
Distinction 3: "Swimming with the Manatees" Stained Glass by Lee Richards
Distinction 4: "Pigeon Hole" Colored Pencil by Thomas McKean
Merit 1: "Sunset" Watercolor by Rita Hueter
Merit 2: "The Red Barn" Oil by Ev Niewoehner
Merit 3: "Terpsichore" Sculpture by Jane Martone
Honorable Mention 1: "Coral Cruise" Acrylic by Ron Lace
Honorable Mention 2: "Roselia" Pastel by Glenda Meyer
Honorable Mention 3: "Blue-throated Toucanet" Colored Pencil by Lee Richards
Honorable Mention 4: "Waterlilies at Kanapaha Gardens" Collage by Kathleen Duffy
Daytona Beach Branch, National League of Pen Woman Special Merit Award for Pastel: “Waiting” Pastel by Joyce Gatonska
First: "A Keeper" by Vicki Iorio
Second: "The Stroke" by Abigail Kim Truelsen
Third: "Liquid Drumbeats" by B.J. Alligood
Honorable Mention 1: "Travel Agent" by Peter M. Gordon
Honorable Mention 2: "#neveragain" by Nina Heiser
Students from First Baptist Christian Academy participated in the Veterans of Foreign Wars Auxiliary Americanism Coloring Contest. The Auxiliary to the VFW Post 8696 sponsored the contest and hosted an annual “Salute to Youth” evening.
The contestants were to color their choice of four pictures: a top hat, a picture with USA letters, an eagle in front of the American flag or a picture of soldiers. FBCA winners were: Presley Thomas, Aubrianna Torres, Axel Dragstedt, Riley Donato, Ella McHone, Eleanor Snedeker, Xavier Ortiz, Sophia Snedeker, Bryson Harrison, Nicole Rojas, Andi Ressler and Isabella Wanerka.
Flagler Schools held its fourth-annual Classroom to Careers Symposium on April 12, coinciding with the Future Business Leaders of America Career Fair at Flagler Palm Coast High School. Student ambassadors from Flagler Schools interacted with local business and organizations to showcase how the Classroom to Careers programs provide students with opportunities leading into the workforce.
Matanzas High School welcomed the next wave of students into the National Honor Society on April 2. The newest members include: Tristan Alvarez, Sarah Barrett, Caleb Bower, Alyssa Cole, Marina Colmone, Simon Coolican, Abigail Denino, Evelyn Dodge, Brea Dwyer, Madison Fallon, McKenzi Flis, Cayla Goff, Brandt Herron, Jessica Hile, Julia Hurley, Kylie Johnson, Trisha June, Serena Kravantka, Grace Ledrich, Seth Lee, Chiara Longo, Arianna McAllister, Malina Medeiros, Andrea Mena Montiel, Katherine O’Mahoney, Christiana Powel, Corey Prior, Rose Riley, Sydney Romero, Vanessa Sanabria, Angeline Santos, Faith Singleton, Kelly Steffens, Emily Thompson, Lauren Tygrest, Jessica Urbstavicius, Anthony Urias, Vivian Wang, David Wilcox, Megan Winter, Emily Wise and Vincent Zheng.
The George Washington Carver Foundation’s online auction kicked off April 12 and will be in full swing until 6 p.m. on April 26.
The auction is the primary fundraising event for the Carver Center. Money raised through past auctions was used for big-ticket items like ceiling insulation, furniture for its library, a scoreboard and bleachers, as well as scholarships and summer camp.
Auction favorites — like an African safari and a stay at the Hammock Beach Resort — are on the list as they have been in years past. They are joined this year by guided tours of area parks, golf, outings with local celebrities like Sheriff Rick Staly and Superintendent James Tager, as well as facilities rentals, surf instruction, gift baskets and estate planning.
For registration and the complete list of items available, visit auction.carverfoundation.org.
Students at Rymfire Elementary School have been learning about the life cycles of plants and animals. Second-grade teachers provided opportunities for students to observe the processes in real life — not just on paper. Real flowers, butterflies, chicks, snakes and more were witnessed and scrutinized on campus to compare and contrast the different life cycle processes. Students kept journals, wrote paragraphs, watched a live webcam and more to keep track of the changes and stages.
Marmaduke: 38133505, 5-year-old male shepherd mix
Tank: 38214453, 4-year-old male bullmastiff mix
Adaline Annie: 34994400, 2-year-old female lab mix
Tiger: 37308391, 3-year-old male domestic short-haired cat