Taylor Road in Port Orange to be closed until after the New Year

Water main breakage has done more extensive damage than originally assessed, city reports.

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  • | 5:30 p.m. December 14, 2018
Engineers from multiple disciplines have been consulted to assess damage to bridge and roadway. Photo by Tanya Russo
Engineers from multiple disciplines have been consulted to assess damage to bridge and roadway. Photo by Tanya Russo
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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The city of Port Orange announced that the section of the road between Sweetwater Boulevard and Yorktowne Boulevard on Taylor Road is expected to remain closed until January 11, 2019.

The section has been shut down since Dec. 3, to initiate road repair due to a water main break. It was revealed that the 12-inch water main break had undermined more of the roadway than anticipated, according to a city press release. City crews met with county engineers to further assess the damage.

An independent bridge inspector, geotechnical engineer and structural engineer were called in to evaluate the safety and extent of damage to the structure. They are finalizing the plan for repairs.

To ensure pedestrian safety, the city has modified traffic control devices to allow pedestrian passage across Taylor Road Bridge. This will be allowed as long as possible based on construction activities.

Also, the city has deployed additional police resources to help with traffic control in that area during high school arrival and dismissal times. During this time, residents have never lost water and no precautionary boil water notices have been issued.






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