- January 23, 2025
Q: Why do you think you've been awarded Teacher of the Year?
A: My colleges wanted to recognize me.
Q: Why do you love teaching?
A: I love teaching because I get to see my students achieving their desires each day. Small steps, large steps, doesn’t matter as long as at the end of the day they are smiling and feel accomplished.
Q: How long have you been teaching (at FTI specifically and in general)? What's your position title?
A: I have been teaching at FTI’s Step-Up program for 12 years and 7 months.
Q: How would you describe your teaching style? What's unique about you and your classroom that could have contributed to you earning Teacher of the Year?
A: My teaching style is fun, light, approachable and personable. I make everything I teach fun. What is unique about my classroom is that I teach adult students with disabilities with a wide range of mental, developmental and physical disabilities. Each student has an Individualized Educational Plan that needs to coincide with Support Plans written by representatives from Agency for Persons with Disabilities. My classroom isn’t just in a typical classroom; it also includes the community, as we do community-based learning. For example, when we take our students to Walmart, it is to teach money-management skills, price comparison, how to read labels, how to interact, etc.
Q: Is there anything else you'd like to add about earning Teacher of the Year that I didn't ask?
A: I am honored to have been chosen.