- January 3, 2025
Dear Editor:
I say NO to roundabouts. I had an accident in the one by Flagler Palm Coast High School (Town Center) because of a man who did not know how to use them. I am actually afraid of them now. I think lights will do just fine at U.S. 1 and Old Dixie!
Pat Barile
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
Palm Coast’s Bill Nelson (Letter to the Editor, Jan. 25, 2018 in the Observer) is absolutely correct that just as “voucher schools” have an agenda, so, too, do public schools.
If Mr. Nelson is the least bit unhappy with what is taught in public schools, the Flagler County School Board affords him a wonderful opportunity to address the board for 3 minutes at each and every one of their regular meetings. He may continue to do so, month after month for as long as he wishes. I can vouch for the fact that the School Board members will listen and carefully consider his concerns.
If that does not provide satisfaction, Mr. Nelson is free — even encouraged — to campaign in advance of elections against those he considers to be offending school board members. In fact, if that is not enough, Mr. Nelson himself can become a candidate for Flagler County School Board.
If there are voucher schools that offer the same opportunities, I, for one, would like to hear about it. In reality, voucher schools, while taking pubic money, are almost entirely closed to public input.
Merrill Shapiro
Palm Coast
Once again, the Flagler County Executive Airport disregards Palm Coast residents' safety and environmental noise concerns and designates their new ‘primary’ runway (11-29) directly over Seminole Woods and Quail Hollow.
Since the new runway opened Oct. 21, the barrage of flight school training pilots (predominately ERAU) buzzing over the residences starts as earlier as 6:30 a.m. and goes most evenings until 10 p.m.
Spending over $12 million in taxpayer money to build a new runway for a general use airport that has no radar capabilities is mind boggling.
The county politicians would have you believe no local tax dollars were involved, however this project was funded with millions of dollars that came from FDOT and the FAA: $1.9 million from FDOT to acquire 117 acres, a combined $1.3 million largely from FDOT and the FAA to mitigate for wetlands, and $700,000 again largely from the FAA and FDOT to design the project.
Politicians need to be held accountable for spending our money on this white elephant fiasco to build a runway for private flight school students. We need this because county officials “think” this will attract more phantom corporate jet use — a field of dreams philosophy.
The new runway “can now even land a 747,” according to the airport director. Aren't we impressed. Palm Coast is a residential community and the concept of attracting larger corporate jets is simply misguided.
The elected officials should be embarrassed for spending millions on a designated General Use Airport currently utilized for primarily for local flight school training.
The recommended departure and arrival quiet procedures specify the planes should climb as high possible before leaving and arriving: Jets should follow NBAA standard noise abatement procedures and propeller aircraft should utilize AOPA noise awareness steps. From my perspective, the pilots care little about the neighbors and breach these standards frequently.
Waiting for the FAA to monitor these abuses will be too late as it relates to the next accident. City officials state they have no control over the airport even though the property directly impacts residents. City officials should consider purchasing this property and establish a true commerce park.
The County Commission and residents need to look closely at the 2018 airport budget as it relates to salaries for the administration, controller staffing and general expenditures.
An airport built for military purposes in the 1940s when little housing existed is obviously not compatible to the current city residential communities model. Selling fuel to offset expenditures is not a reason to continue to fund the forever underutilized property.
Paul McGuinnes
Palm Coast