- February 9, 2025
The Ormond Beach Lions Club chose Seabreeze High School senior Danielle Spaulding as its student-athlete of the month at its meeting on Feb. 28.
Spaulding is a 4-year varsity player on the school's softball team, earning an honorable mention on the New-Journal's 2017 all-area softball team and named the defensive player of the year. She is also the senior captain for Seabreeze's 2018 softball team.
In addition to sports, Spaulding has earned over 600 community service hours as a junior counselor for Pine Trail Elementary's summer camp. Seabreeze principal Joe Rawlings said she is a great role model for the younger students due to her accomplishments on and off the field.
Spaulding hopes to pursue a degree in pediatric nursing at Daytona State College and the University of Central Florida.