- February 11, 2025
Seabreeze High School's Live Music Festival, the largest fundraiser in the history of the school, will help the marching band get closer to their $465,000 goal to perform at the 2019 London's New Year's Day Parade
Presented by Waste Pro USA, the event features local musicians, including the Seabreeze Jazz Ensemble and the drum line percussion, as well as bands Docs of Dixie, Honey Moonshine Band and Greye, which is a Seabreeze alumni group. There will also be food trucks and a silent auction of items like an autographed guitar from the Florida Georgia Line, a Yeti cooler and a barbecue package from Lowes.
"This event was created as a way for the community to come out and show their support for these kids," said Kellie Cofer, fundraising chairperson for the band.
The SHS marching band and symphony orchestra were invited to perform in London after being nominated a few years ago. The marching band was invited to be part of the city's New Year's Day parade and the orchestra to perform at Cadogan Hall, home of the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. In order to make this happen, the music program would need to raise $465,000 just for the students.
The band has $70,000 left to raise.
"I see light at the end of the tunnel," Cofer said. "We're almost there."
The students have been working hard at local events to raise funds for the trip. Students worked the city's Celtic Festival, Tomoka Marathon and at the Daytona International Speedway and the Live Music Festival will be no exception.
"We're going to keep marching along until we get this last $70,000," Cofer said,