- March 6, 2025
Brae'don Lockhart stays still for his role of Neil Armstrong. Photo by Paige Wilson
Xavier Cejudo poses as Bill Gates while students take notes and listen to his presentation. Photo by Paige Wilson
Madelyn Hendrix poses as Elizabeth Arden, who built a cosmetics empire. Photo by Paige Wilson
Olivia Diguglielmo strikes a pose as Pablo Picasso. . Photo by Paige Wilson
Evelise Grestub poses as Amelia Earnhart, the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Photo by Paige Wilson
Gabby Martin suits up as astronaut Sally Ride. Photo by Paige Wilson
Arielle Sanders smiles as engineer and astronaut Ellen Ochoa. Photo by Paige Wilson
Tamere Oliver smiles behind his presentation of botanist and inventor George Washington Carver. The George Washington Carver Community Center in Bunnell is named after him. Photo by Paige Wilson
Cole Hardy poses as Thomas Edison. Photo by Paige Wilson
Lilyana Bravo smiles as chemist Rosalind Franklin. Photo by Paige Wilson
Angelina Scott freezes as entrepreneur and social activist Madam C.J. Walker. Photo by Paige Wilson
Hannah Warden poses as Vincent van Gogh. Photo by Paige Wilson
Brae'don Lockhart holds up the American flag as Neil Armstrong. Photo by Paige Wilson
Desteen Pudh poses as Katherine Johnson, a NASA mathematician. Photo by Paige Wilson
Joseph Bernardino is Walt Disney. Photo by Paige Wilson
Students at Belle Terre Elementary School stood still as can be — frozen in time — at the school's wax museum the morning of Thursday, May 17.
Second-graders in four classes portrayed historical figures while remaining motionless. But with a push of a button, the students came alive to recite information about their character to other BTES students who visited the "museum."
Second-grade teacher Alma Bevacqua said she had each student pick a historical figure out of a hat and then research the person and their life's work, as part of BTES' focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM).
"It helps them learn that they can become whatever they want to be," Bevacqua said.