- February 22, 2025
Dear Editor:
So sad to see such a great place like Flagler Beach called out for supporting the police. The "thin blue line" flags are not racist. The woman who wrote the article needs to get off the high horse and go out and do the job that our police do every day. Why doesn’t she see that all lives matter, not one group. She is the one that is being very hurtful with the article she wrote and that you allowed to be published.
Hope that when you get this letter that you send out something supporting our first responders. Sorry to say if the Palm Coast Observer does not come out and support the blue line, I will not support the paper.
Richard DeCola
Palm Coast
Editor's Note: The Palm Coast Observer certainly respects the job done by first responders. In the interest of understand each other as a community, we also respect everyone's right to have his or her own opinion. Therefore, we published Art Woosley's letter in support of the "thin blue line" flags, the letter by Isabella Herrera sharing her views of the history of those flags, and your letter as well.
Dear Editor:
As a transplant to Flagler County I appreciated the background on the area’s racial history. Thank you for publishing Ms. Isabella Herrera’s May 31 opinion piece. The Blue Lives Matter "thin blue line" flag has become a recognized symbol of police support and solidarity. It is not a recognized national flag — it is a political statement.
While the donation of these flags may have been innocent and well intentioned, in the current political climate with a racist president who has openly encouraged police brutality, the public display by Flagler Beach sends a racist signal and is wrong.
If people feel strongly about police support, let them fly this flag on their private property as they would a Gadsden, Gay Rights, or Black Lives Matter flag. I’m surprised and disappointed in Flagler Beach. You’re better than this.
Susan Green
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
The article by the “guest” writer who submitted that article about the "thin blue line" flags seems to be just another example of someone twisting things around! The flags were meant to honor law enforcement, and it was totally misconstrued!
To say that the flags “propagate hostility and racism” is so sad. It’s almost like the “guest” speaker wants to put ideas in people’s heads and stir up trouble ... like we don’t have enough with this issue of police officers shooting blacks. You cannot say they target just blacks! What about the cop in Wildwood, New Jersey — a white cop punching a white girl in the head? What about when the blacks shoot white cops?
What would you do if your life was threatened? Would you stand there and be shot at? I would shoot to kill if I was being threatened.
If you saw or heard what officers have to deal with, maybe you would understand. What would this world be like with no law enforcement? It was so incredibly sad reading her article. I, personally, always pray for all law enforcement, along with our firemen and military. I hope the "thin blue line" flags are here to stay and that one article like that does not mean the flags will be taken down. Kudos to the individual who thought of the flags!
Pat Stasio
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
I would like to express my gratitude to Isabella Herrera for her article about the “thin blue lines” flags. I appreciate her background information about the history of Flagler County and how these flags came about.
It saddens me that people use a perversion of the United States flag, which is supposed to be a sign of unity of the citizens of this country, to foster division. I am deeply disturbed by the incidents of police brutality and misuse of power that we see more and more often, now that people have easy access to video capabilities.
I support our police when they obey the law and use their power for the good of society. When they don’t, they are criminals.
Thank you, Ms. Herrara, for your courage in speaking up.
Annmarie Brennan
Flagler Beach
Dear Editor:
The "thin blue line" sticker and tag on my personal car means I respect the law, first responders and especially police officers.
The Black Life Matters movement was meant to inflame the population, not get respect for one race or the other. Now, I could see a "Life Matters" campaign. That would not be discrimination, just a great policy.
As far as I'm concerned, the Flagler Beach flags were not an "in your face" promotion, just a "we support law and order" program.
The first responders have a very dangerous and under-paid job and put their lives at risk for all the people. We need to stop giving all the splinter groups crying "Discrimination!" airtime to incite the rest of the population by writing lies.
Carol Propper
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
I viewed with admiration and respect the "thin blue line" flags being prominently displayed in Flagler Beach to honor those who serve in our law enforcement community. It is refreshing to see respect paid to the people who thanklessly protect and serve our communities. I hope the displays of these flags continue and the people of Flagler Beach do no cave to the political correctness being pushed in our country today and remove the flags.
Ms. Isabella Herrera, in her May 31 editorial, took the position that the flags were an exhibition of racism and then proceeded to condemn many aspects of the lives and people in Florida and, by extension, the rest of the people in this country.
It would be futile to engage Ms. Herrera in debate enumerating the hate focused on the average law enforcement officer as she has certainly stated her position. However, if Ms. Herrera is ever in need of the services of the officers represented by this flag, I believe that she will find that they will be there to protect and serve her as they protect and serve the community at large, regardless of her disdain for those who wear the uniform.
William J. Brattain
Palm Coast
Editor's note: This letter was sent after a veteran criticized the Palm Coast Memorial Day ceremony for being a "political gathering — nothing more."
Dear Editor:
Thank you to Mr. Albert Smith for his service to our country.
Thank you, also, for calling out the politicians, at the Memorial Day ceremony at Heroes Memorial Park, for their pathetic display of hypocrisy.
Diana LeBrun
Palm Coast
Dear Editor:
I had the luck recently to pick up a copy of the May 24 Palm Coast Observer while visiting in the Flagler County Administration Building.
I found your article "Three keys to fixing our economy" to be spot-on, and well-based on factual data rather than on opinions as so many campaigns and legislation seem to thrive on any more.
Further, I found it refreshing to find straight-forward reporting which is so rare these days, and most especially that anyone reading your article would clearly understand some obvious and much needed fixes to the Flagler economy that should be moved to top priority if we expect our community to support a vibrant economy and population.
Bill Powers
Palm Coast