77-foot fishing ship washes ashore in Ormond Beach

The U.S. Coast Guard said there are no reported pollution hazards.

The 77-foot AMG fishing vessel washed ashore near the Cardinal Drive beach approach in Ormond Beach on Tuesday, Oct. 16. Photo by Jarleene Almenas
The 77-foot AMG fishing vessel washed ashore near the Cardinal Drive beach approach in Ormond Beach on Tuesday, Oct. 16. Photo by Jarleene Almenas
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A 77-foot commercial fishing ship washed ashore near the Cardinal Drive beach approach in Ormond Beach overnight, prompting

beachgoers on Tuesday morning on Oct. 16 to snap pictures on their phones and watch as the shallow waves hit the ship's hull.

The U.S. Coast Guard sector in Jacksonville received a report from the AMG. fishing and shrimping vessel around 8:30 p.m. on Monday, Oct. 15, said Petty Officer Third Class Ryan Dickinson. No injuries were reported and pollution responders are currently on-scene. The owner of the vessel called for a barge, coming in from Jacksonville, to help remove the ship from the beach.

“Right now there’s no reported pollution hazards," Dickinson said. "Everyone is safe.”

Dickinson said the investigation is ongoing. Information regarding the circumstances surrounding why the ship ended up on the beach have not yet been released. 


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