- March 6, 2025
As a member of the Palm Coast City Council, it is incumbent upon me to assist my fellow council members in the selection of the new city manager. Unfortunately, I was ill during the first cut of applicants for the position. However, I have read all of the resumes, watched all candidate video presentations and noticed that Beau Falgout was the only applicant that was rated the highest by the four voting council members on Jan. 22.
The purpose of this correspondence is to highlight why I firmly believe that Beau Falgout should be made our next city manager. In my previous career as a Marine Corps officer, I was taught from Day One to know my subordinates and observe and assist them in developing their leadership traits and skills, thus helping these Marines advance in their careers. Trust me: As a Marine Corps colonel, I know leadership both on and off the field of battle!
It is with this experience that I bring to my position on the City Council that I see Beau Falgout as the natural choice for our next city manager. A standout!
What I have observed about Beau is that he is a skillful communicator, bright, ambitious, academically qualified and has served in various positions within the city government to know the "heart and soul" of how things work and don't work in the accomplishment of the city's mission.
He is well-liked and respected by city staff. Most importantly, he is not a "mini-me" of the former city manager, has significant growth potential, and he listens to the city staff and our citizens! The bottom line, in my opinion, is that his time has come.
I am proposing that we terminate the search for the next city manager and hire Beau for this position. I believe that in our heart of hearts, my fellow council members know that Beau is the best choice. I want to save the city of Palm Coast money by canceling our contract with the search firm SGR. Let's not waste taxpayer dollars by bringing them to Palm Coast for interviews. Our jewel is already here and functioning as our interim city manager.
Jack D. Howell II represents District 2 on the Palm Coast City Council.