Future cell towers in Port Orange will need visual impact evaluation

Wireless communication companies will have new regulations for constructing towers in Port Orange that safe guards residential properties.

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  • | 3:30 p.m. January 23, 2019
File photo by Jarleene Almenas
File photo by Jarleene Almenas
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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Port Orange City Council, at the Jan. 22 meeting, voted 4-0 to pass an ordinance that establishes requirements for wireless communications facilities. The ordinance gives better protection of areas around wireless towers and safeguards residential properties. The ordinance will not affect what is all ready there.

A hierarchy establishes guidelines for cell phone towers. Wireless companies need to put new communication devices on structures that can camouflage equipment, such as flag poles and palm trees.

If camo sites are not possible, then new devices should be put on towers that are in light industrial areas. New requirements for setback from property lines were established. Maximum height for new towers are 300 feet. There would be a submittal of a visual impact analysis before any new towers are built. The area would have a wall or fence around the tower with appropriate landscaping.

The ordinance updates technology development and keeps new tower construction away from residential properties. The city can hire an independent consultant to assist with the impact evaluation. The ordinace would hold wireless companies responsible for the fees of the consultant.

Mayor Don Burnette would like the city and staff to review the ordinance every five years to keep up with evolving technologies.



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