- January 5, 2025
Dear Editor:
I would like to share some of my feelings against the expansion of Captain’s BBQ. I live in Beach Haven and moved here because of the open spaces and parks along State Road A1A. While touring the county, we discovered Bings, and it was one of the factors in our decision to locate along A1A.
I have not been here through the various expansions of the restaurant, but I am troubled that it grew from a takeout joint to a 90+ seat restaurant (beyond the approved total seating), and the proposed 150 seats will forever change the character of the park. Is this a restaurant lot or a park for boaters and kids?
Speaking of kids, once there is hard liquor for sale there, I can only imagine the character of the park will go downhill.
I would like to ask you to consider letting the existing lease run its course, then open the situation for bids. In any case, the existing footprint should be used.
John Caruso
The Hammock
Dear Editor:
Protect our park and trees! We are local residents and fully oppose the expansion by the moving of Bings. If he wants to expand, then he needs to repair and expand in place.
Jimmy and Meredith Davis
The Hammock
Dear Editor:
Captain’s BBQ continues to dominate the local news headlines. One has to wonder why all the angst. Is there a personal vendetta against the owners? All the uproar against Captain’s BBQ seems unjustified.
Our family frequents Captain’s after our fishing trips out of Bings Landing. We see many other families, including out-of–town tourists and bikers enjoying their food at one of the prettiest places to eat along the Intracoastal Waterway.
Captain’s BBQ has been selling beer and wine for years, so we cannot understand all the uproar over the liquor license.
As far as the charge that the Captain’s BBQ expansion is going to ruin the park, we find that overblown too. We very seldom see any children in the playground, and most of the human activity revolves around enjoying BBQ at the picnic tables. I am a strong advocate of protecting trees and public spaces, but the small increase in Captain’s footprint will have only a minor impact on the surroundings.
The news media and protesters should spend their time fighting large-scale residential and commercial developments that threaten our greenways and waterways. Captain’s is a very successful small business that employs people and brings in revenue. It should be welcomed not villainized.
Patty Scott
Palm Coast