3 Ormond Beach letters: Septic to sewer, newspaper ethics, unresponsive City Commission

Also: Thanks for the articles; accidents in front of Wawa

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  • | 12:10 p.m. November 5, 2019
  • Ormond Beach Observer
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More sewer needs are coming

Dear Editor:

Plantation Oaks has just been annexed with a potential of 1,577 manufactured houses. Pineland Subdivision will be selling soon with 192 homes and the remaining Ormond Crossings Area the city says will be developed.

And recently in 990 acres located south of West Granada Boulevard across from the Hunter’s Ridge development, an amendment seeks to increase residential units from 2,539 to 7,500 or an increase of 4,961 units.

Other future need will obviously be to the west, so why not build a plant on North Peninsula to handle the North Peninsula? There are several suitable sites for a plant seaside. 

The residents of Ormond Beach were never consulted or given any input on this waste of our money. The whole fiasco rests on Mayor Bill Partington's  “change of heart” at a workshop June 4, 2019. The City Commission can at any time reverse or change the Comprehensive Plan if they change their mind on annexation or anything else.

Spend money on testing and determining facts. Involve all players concerning financing and overall solution, not just a small piece going nowhere and will be shelved.

Michael Young

Ormond Beach

Editor's note: City spokesperson Jenn Elston said the residents of Ormond Beach were consulted and have continued to advocate for the conversion of septic to sewer. At the OB Life meeting held on Aug. 30, 2018, on the topic of environmental issues, accelerating septic-to-sewer conversions was deemed the highest priority by 48.5% of attendees, 3.4% of which lived in the north peninsula. The polling question didn't specify whether the conversions sought were within the city, or in Ormond-by-the-Sea, though speakers pointed out during the meeting the highest impact of septic tanks came from the estimated 5,000 residences in the north peninsula.


Newspapers should have ethics

Dear Editor:

Thank you for the article in the Oct. 17 Ormond Beach Observer, “Sales Tax Revival.”  It seems that if our officials don't like the outcome of something, they try to shove it down our throats, rather than admit defeat and let the voters’ voices be heard.

I want to thank you for your article of Thursday, Oct. 10, "Imagine a world without local news."

It was a very informative article and I think worth the spot in the paper. I remember when the big newspapers had a code they went by; unfortunately, they no longer adhere to it.  I'm glad the Observer still is a paper with ethics.

Kathleen D'Ambra

Hunters Ridge


The root of the problem

Dear Editor:

Granada Pointe: Formerly virgin forest; rezoned by the City Commission to appease the developer; clear cut by the developer to the surprise of Ormond's residents; site approved for a gas station (and then a car wash) contrary to public opinion; traffic light approved, and installed, as the gas station (Wawa) corporate specifications require such a light near their sites; construction completed recently; grand opening with cheap gas and other freebie giveaways.  

An ill-conceived concept that has now reared its ugly head. Four accidents within as many days at the site. There were those of us who fought against this idea for the past year. Our voices of discontent fell on deaf ears. Ingenuous, indeed! Directly, or indirectly, the cinco de nada, plus one, are responsible for the recent events by ignoring the will of the people. These events will continue if no adjustments are made. If they wait too long, next summer could prove to be a major problem. More time was spent on dissing the public's views than proper planning for this nightmare. They will consider this composition second-guessing. But, the fact remains that they did not pay attention to the vocal citizens of the city who continuously denounced this pathetic idea of putting a gas station next to single family residential homes and, in an otherwise non-preferential location. Not proper zoning. Adding insult to injury (no pun intended), a traffic light was installed where it was not warranted, or needed, other than to appease the folks at Wawa.  

Just who in the heck do you five represent? You, and your supporters, do not make Ormond proud!

Ed Kolaska

Ormond Beach


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