- February 1, 2025
Dear Editor:
Full access to our local beaches and a healthy beachside economy go hand in hand. Many of our favorite beachside businesses rely on nearby foot and car traffic on the beach for their livelihoods. I’ve noticed some businesses with significantly less customers, reduced staff and shorter operating hours. The seemingly daily restrictions for what is and is not allowed for folks to do at the beach is seemingly leaving many businesses unable to make the best decisions for their stores and employees based on the potential foot traffic. Should restaurants remain open? Stay open but only offer takeout and delivery? These decisions not only impact the business but also each and every employee — Each with their own families to provide for. Every person now out of a job due to shutdowns now have less income to spend to help the businesses that remain open.
As someone that drives our Ormond beachside frequently, the significant reduction in cars on the road, near-empty parking lots and closed access to the beach has me worried about the temporary and permanent harm to our business and household economies. I hope changes are made that will give Ormond Beach residents more options for recreational activities at our beaches and allow those that choose to access our beach to help our local beachside businesses regain, and remain in, health.
Joe Hannoush
Ormond Beach