- March 9, 2025
A project by the Florida Department of Transportation to improve traffic flow on Granada Boulevard via adjustments in traffic signal timing is currently underway and is estimated to be complete by early 2021.
According to a flyer by FDOT, the $1.7 million project began on Aug. 18. It will install traffic adaptive signal control systems at 17 intersections, beginning at the intersection of West Granada Boulevard and North Tymber Creek Road and ending at the intersection of East Granada Boulevard and A1A.
The technology will allow “real-time adjustments in traffic signal timing in response to changing traffic volumes,” the flyer reads. FDOT will place sensors along the Granada corridor to collect data on how many vehicles pass each point. That data is then analyzed and can change the timing of the signals.
The project has been contracted to Chinchor Electric, Inc. of Orange City. FDOT expects there will be single-lane closures on both sides of Granada Boulevard, and that they will occur in both daytime and nighttime hours, according to to the flyer.
The contractor doesn’t plan to close any lanes until later this summer.
Last week’s primary election determined Jeff Brower and Deb Denys will head to a runoff in the November election for the County Council Chair nonpartisan race.
But, who did the majority of Ormond voters choose in the primary?
Precinct results by the county Department of Elections show that Brower received 7,844 votes in precincts with an Ormond address, including Ormond-by-the-Sea and Halifax Plantation. Denys received 6,185 votes, a difference of 1,659 from Brower. The third candidate in the race, Gerard Witman, received 2,052 votes.
Brower won 15 of the 18 precincts. One precinct at the Prince of Peace Church was tied between Brower and Denys.
Notably, Democrats also had a higher voter turnout, at about 41%; the Republican voter turnout averaged 34.65%. In comparison, the countywide voter turnout for the Democratic Party was 33.93% and the Republican Party’s was 32.52%.
Three projects are currently under review by the Site Plan Review Committee.
One is the building addition to the Ormond Memorial Art Museum; the second a construction of a 2,715-square-foot Window World at 906 N. U.S. 1 and the Ormond Grande townhome development.