- January 8, 2025
We all know that mastering your morning contributes to having a positive and productive day. I’ve read many books about it, but still found that no matter how early I set my alarm, I was always playing catch up. Then I heard someone say that getting started for the day doesn’t start when you wake up; but the night before. It was like a light bulb went off!
Since putting this into practice, I have felt more clear, less rushed, and have found myself enjoying my mornings. Here are three steps I take each night to help me have a great morning:
1. Forget the alarm and become obsessed with what time you go to bed. I’ve heard this advice time and time again from our real estate coach. I know it sounds crazy... How are you supposed to get up and get things done in the morning without an alarm to wake you up? Well, I have found when I focus on what time I go to bed at night, I am getting enough sleep and wake up not only with ease, but often before my alarm even goes off!
2. Focus on how you’re fueling your body. There have been times when I eat ice cream right before bed or drink a glass of wine, and wake the next day in a haze. It’s not until I have my second cup of coffee when things start to clear up. Making sure you’re eating a balanced meal in the evening and drinking enough water is crucial to getting enough of the right sleep and gives you energy for the next day. Since having the baby, we try to focus on having lean protein, healthy carbs and fats, and a vegetable each evening and I have noticed a huge difference in how I feel.
3. Review your day and get prepared! There is nothing worse than being ready to walk out the door and realizing you don’t have something you need. Taking a look at your schedule the night before will allow for you to gather all of the things you need to be ready for you in the morning. Steve Jobs & Mark Zuckerberg are known for dressing so they don’t have to think about their wardrobe. Take this small decision off of your plate by choosing your clothes out the night before. Bonus: It makes it a whole lot easier to go to the gym when your clothes are already laying out.
So there you have it - some big steps I think people are missing when it comes to mastering their morning routine! I have been doing these steps for a few weeks now and it has made such a difference. I have even found time to catch a few amazing sunrises at the beach!