- December 20, 2024
Dear Editor:
I was one of the recipients of the Jewish Federation's Jerry Doliner Food Bank turkey giveaway. I am a single mother of four children. I have always worked, but I lost my job due to the pandemic.
I was overwhelmed by what the food bank gave us. We received a 5-pound bag of oranges, 5-pound bag of tangerines, 5-pound bag of apples, 5-pound bag of potatoes, three large stalks of celery, pastries, cakes, bread, bagels, grapefruit, peanut butter, cereal, macaroni and cheese and noodles. Also, a bag full of essentials for Thanksgiving — stuffing, corn, green beans, mushroom soup, broth, gravy, rice, fruit cocktail and yams. We got a 19-pound turkey and 2.5 pounds of bacon.
I had to show ID for myself and my four children. We received a list of people who gave funds for this project. I want them to know that their funds were well spent..
Darlene Young
Daytona Beach
Dear Editor:
The traffic is so horrific around Williamson and Granada that you can't go anywhere. They built all those new apartment complexes before they built the roads so now what? Oh yeah, they are building more apartment complexes. When are they going to do something about the roads? People are blocking intersections through the lights because they don't want to sit through another red light. Something has to be done about this mess that has been created.
Like for instance, why are they cramming everything in on the west and south side of town? On the north end, they have Plantation Bay, Halifax Plantation, the Harley shop, a Dollar General, a RaceTrac gas station, McDonald's and a couple of hotels — which, half of those can be torn down. They are major eyesores and bring in the wrong crowd if anyone chooses to investigate.
But seriously, what about a grocery store and maybe a bank? When you're on that side of town, you have to go clear across town to pick up groceries or do any banking. Seriously, I can't figure this town out. And, if you are sitting on a side street off U.S. 1, you're waiting a good three to four minutes before the lights change, even if there is no one coming down U.S. 1. So frustrating.
Carol Vanarsdale
Ormond Beach