- January 8, 2025
"I wish she would just go away."
These are seven nasty words, the only possible intent of which is to harm someone's feelings.
You would think those words came from a teenage bully, right? Nope. These words came from one working mama to another working mama this past week.
Let's break it down for a minute. Where do you wish she went? How long is she gone for? Far away? A month? A year? Forever?
Wow! What do you think the person on the other end of those words received? Our words hold power. Can you imagine the impact those words had on the individual they were given to? Was this an act out of anger? What could have been a better solution? Did the person who said those words really wish the person on the other side went away?
Ladies, enough is enough! We need to stop pulling each other down and start lifting each other up. One of my favorite quotes is, "Rising tides raise all ships." It's the truth! The better we all are, the better we all are. And quite honestly, until each and every one of us gets that point, comments like this are still going to be made.
Moving forward, we can only control our reaction to these words and the words we say to ourselves.
Have you ever said unkind words to someone not realizing the power they had? I know I have. Let us know in the comments below.
And truth be told: That girl — she's not going anywhere.